PIK Group launches SAP ERP system at PIK-Industries - новости ПИК от 21 ноября 2013
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21 ноября 2013

PIK Group launches SAP ERP system at PIK-Industries

Moscow, November 20 2013 - PIK Group announces the successful launch of an automated project management process based on a SAP ERP system at its united production facility PIK-Industries.

PIK Industries was established in November 2013 following the merger of two industrial housing plants, DSK-2 and DSK-3 as well as its transportation services unit, PIK-Avtotrans. For the automization of PIK-Industries’ operational process, the Group has chosen the leading platform in the world market for ERP solutions - SAP ERP.

The SAP launch is a part of a wider operational efficiency improvement program. As a result of its automatization of production processes, PIK-Industries is now using one of the most contemporary information systems in the Russian construction industry.

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