The analytics from the leading investment banks gave positive coverage of the PIK Group's projects - новости ПИК от 30 августа 2012
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30 августа 2012

The analytics from the leading investment banks gave positive coverage of the PIK Group's projects

The leading Russian and international investment companies representatives have visited PIK Group's projects under development in Khimki, Moscow region and the city of Yaroslavl. The property tour goal was to review the current activities of the Group.

Among the participants there were the leading analytics from Troika Dialog, VTB Capital, Uralsib, Alfa Bank, Credit Suisse, ING, Renaissance Capital and Morgan Stanley.

The bank representatives visited the Group’s projects at different stages of construction and got acquainted with the modern technologies PIK Group implements for its projects.

The analytics appreciated the Group's complex access to the development process, which allows to optimize the different stages of construction. The special attention was paid to the new designer apartment outfit implemented within the framework of PIK 2.0 Program, aimed to improve the overall quality of the product and
increase the company competiveness on the market. The Group was one of the first companies in the local market to introduce the improved quality finishing outfit for economy class apartments.

After the tour the experts gave positive coverage of the PIK Group's projects.

Analytics reports:




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